
公共圖書館 08/10/16

  1. PLSS1- Proportion of households living within specified distance of a static library.
  2. PLSS 2 - Aggregate scheduled opening hours per 1,000 population for all libraries.
  3. PLSS 3 – Percentage of static libraries (as defined by CIPFA) providing access to electronic information resources connected to the Internet.
  4. PLSS 4 – Total number of electronic workstations with access to the internet and the libraries catalogue (available for public use through both static and mobile libraries, and other service outlets (as defined in PLSS1)) available to users per 10,000 population.
  5. PLSS5 - Requests Percentage of requests for books met within specified days
  6. PLSS 6 - Number of library visits per 1,000 population
  7. PLSS 7 - % of library users 16 and over who view their library service as:
  8. PLSS 8 - % of library users under 16 who view their library service as:
  9. PLSS 9 - Annual items added through purchase per 1,000 population.
  10. PLSS 10 - Time taken to replenish the lending stock on open access or available on loan.                                                                                                                                  
讀者認知: 讀者滿意度
公共服務: 總論、館藏、調閱館藏、流通、館際借入、參考諮詢服務、資訊檢索、使用者教育、設備
技術服務: 採購、處理、編目
讀者服務: 讀者與服務讀者之館員比、服務讀者之館員比率

